
COSA Xentaur provides high technology instrumentation for a wide range of applications in petrochemical, energy, environmental, pharmaceutical, semiconductor and plastics industries.



Water management in the chemical industry often poses problems due to complex water matrices. LAR mea­sure­ment tech­no­logy allows effective process control matching the tough demands at chemical plants.


Effective mo­ni­to­ring helps to mi­ni­mize pro­duct los­ses and to optimize the wa­ter ma­na­ge­ment at petro­che­mi­­cal faci­li­ties with spe­cial re­gards to pro­cess wa­ter, e.g. steam-wa­ter cycle and coo­ling.

Energy & Refining

Continuous monitoring of the water-steam cycle is an im­por­tant pre­re­qui­site for smooth and safe ope­ra­tion of the pro­duc­tion fa­ci­lity as well as to maintain high product quality of refining products.

Life Science

Product quality and pro­cess re­lia­bi­lity is es­sen­tial in re­gards of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal water. LAR ana­ly­zers de­ter­mine con­ta­mi­na­tion re­li­ably in lowest levels meeting inter­na­tio­nal re­por­ting re­quire­ments.

Industrial Manufacturing

In in­dus­trial ma­nu­­fac­tu­ring pro­cess water often is cha­ra­cte­rized by high le­vels of par­tic­les or ad­di­tives. Re­liable mo­ni­to­ring helps to main­tain ef­fi­cient water ma­na­ge­ment of­fe­ring high sa­ving po­ten­tial.

Semiconductor & Microelectronics

In the se­mi­con­duc­tor and mi­cro­elec­tro­nics in­dus­tries, the high qua­lity and pu­rity re­quire­ments for pro­duct and pro­cess safe­ty are met by accu­rate and re­liable on-line TOC moni­to­ring in the low­est le­vels.

Environment & Municipalities

With spe­cial re­gards to re­source pre­ser­va­tion and en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion, re­li­able mo­ni­to­ring of treat­ment per­for­man­ces at WWTPs as well as dis­char­ge con­trol in­to pub­lic wa­ter bo­dies are es­sen­tial.

Aerospace & Military

At air­ports, air­craft and run­ways are kept free of ice and pre­ci­pi­ta­tion with the help of de-icing a­gents. For the ef­fec­tive wa­ter ma­na­ge­ment, wa­ter dis­charge into WWTP or pu­blic wa­ter­ways is mo­ni­tored and con­trol­led by means of on­line mea­sure­ment tech­no­logy.

Agribusiness, Food & Beverage

In agricultural chemistry as well as food and beverage industry a high level of product quality and process reliability is required. Monitoring and control of all processes allows to detect product losses at an early stage and to ensure highest product quality.

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Cosa Xentaur
4140 World Houston Parkway
Suite 180
Houston, TX 77032