At air­ports, air­craft and run­ways are kept free of ice and pre­ci­pi­ta­tion with the help of de-icing a­gents. For the ef­fec­tive wa­ter ma­na­ge­ment, wa­ter dis­charge into WWTP or pu­blic wa­ter­ways is mo­ni­tored and con­trol­led by means of on­line mea­sure­ment tech­no­logy.

Aerospace & Military


In the winter months aeroplanes, runways and landing strips are de-iced with the help of chemicals resulting in the pollution of storm water. Consequently, its disposal may have an extreme impact on waste water treatment plants or public water. Hence, the continuous monitoring of this storm water is of special importance.




Types of Water

  • De-icing water
  • Surface water
  • Waste water
  • Water effluent
  • Discharge control

Water Management at Airports

3D application scheme of water treatment at airports

Effective water management

  • Storage of waste water in buffer tanks 
  • Very fast and precise measurement technologies to monitor and control loads
  • Monitoring parameters TOC, COD

De-icing of runways and aircrafts is necessary due to safety reasons since ice and snow negatively influence the weight and aerodynamics of an aircraft.

A mixture of chemicals - de-icing agents and thickening agents – is used to keep airports and planes free from ice and snow. These chemicals are mainly:

  • Glycol
  • Acetates
  • Formates

This highly adhesive chemical mixture works like a sponge so that a certain amount of the winter precipitation is absorbed and liquified.
These adhesive characteristics of waste water of de-iced surfaces are the main challenges to monitoring systems:

  • Residual traces of previous sample water falsify the results of the current measurement (memory and/or cross-over effects)
  • Systems that require filtration and/or are designed with thin sample tubes will require increased maintenance efforts due to clogging and blocking

Main goal is cost-effective water management and discharge. The least expensive way to discharge effluents is into public water bodies. However, the critical values for public discharge are very low:

Example: For the river Rhine (Germany) the discharge regulation stipulates 150 mg/l O2

Challenges of effluent discharge from airports

  • Discharge into municipal WWTP requires stable outlet loads to optimize treatment processes
  • Waste water from de-iced surfaces has strongly fluctuating loads
  • Extremely high loads of up to 50,000 mg/l C are common
  • Online COD Analyzer

    LAR's chemical oxygen demand (COD) analyzer QuickCODultra is an outstanding measurement system for fast and clean COD measurements. Unlike traditional COD analysis methods, the QuickCODultra oxidizes water samples without the need of any hazardous chemicals. Due to the patented high-temperature combustion method, the measurement results are free of chloride inteferences. Moreover, the analyzer easily handles sticky, fatty, salty, and high-particle samples.

    Less chemicals. Simple operation. Save money.


Need further information?

Cosa Xentaur
4140 World Houston Parkway
Suite 180
Houston, TX 77032